A Novel Approach of Ultrasound-Guided Transforaminal Cervical Nerve Root Injection With Fluoroscopic Validation: A Case Report and Technical Illustration
Tsung Ju Wu, Chih-Wei Lee, King Hei Stanley Lam, Chen-Yu Hung
Cureus 16(12): e74937
Cervical radiculopathies are commonly treated with nerve root injections. This study presents a novel ultrasound (US)-guided cervical transforaminal injection technique using a curved transducer to enhance visualization of the anterior wall of the superior articular process and achieve successful epidural spread of injection. A 56-year-old patient with chronic C6 radiculopathy was treated using our US-guided approach with a combination of 5% dextrose and vitamin B12, leading to significant improvement in symptoms. Our approach demonstrated accurate needle placement and effective injectate spread to the epidural space while minimizing the risk of vascular injury. This technique offers reduced fluoroscopy usage time, potentially reducing radiation exposure and improving therapeutic outcomes in the management of cervical radiculopathy.
Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Date: 10 November 2024 (Sunday)
Venue: CUHK Medical Centre