Membership Details & Application
Briefly, there are 5 tiers of membership open to application
- Associate membership is open to doctors who are interested but have no experience in musculoskeletal medicine. For associate members, the Institute will organize a diploma course with a series of introductory workshops supplemented by short intensive oversea training courses. Those associate members who have completed the diploma course can transfer to full membership.
- Full membership for doctors who have documented equivalent basic training in musculoskeletal medicine. Those full members who want to pursue musculoskeletal medicine further can take up a structured training course and sit for the fellowship examination after completion.
- Fellowship for full members who have passed the fellowship examination.
- Foundation Fellowship for full members who have documented structured training and higher degrees in musculoskeletal medicine and have rendered distinguish services to the Institution during its first 3 years of inception.
- Honorary Fellowship for persons of distinction or members of the community who have rendered distinguished services to the Institute or to the advancement of Musculoskeletal Medicine
Exact requirements are to be found at the Memorandum and Articles of Association and are available from the Honorary Secretary upon request.