Is prolotherapy safe? What are the side effects?


Prolotherapy is an extremely safe procedure. There is, of course, at least a slight risk involved as in any other medical procedure. Similar to any injection, prolotherapy theoretically could cause bleeding, damage nerve, lead to after-pain, or introduce infection. However, these risks are extremely small comparing to the risk of long term consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain killers to alleviate the chronic pain. These risks and side effects vary with the area being treated. Doctor will discuss these possibilities fully with the patient before seeking consent for treatment. A musculoskeletal physician should be able to answer the questions raised.



保絡治療非常安全。但和所有的醫學治療一樣,保絡治療也會有輕微的風險。像其它的注射,保絡治療理論上也可能會引起出血、神經損傷、注射後疼痛或針口感染。然而這些風險與長期服用非類固醇類消炎劑 (NSAIDs) 或止痛藥來減輕慢性疼痛的風險比較,是微不足道的。保絡治療的風險和副作用也會因為治療的部位不同而有所不同。在簽署保絡治療同意書之前,肌骼科醫生會就這些問題與患者進行充分的討論。肌骼科醫生應該有能力回答患者所提出的問題。