Ultrasound-guided regenerative injection for carpal tunnel syndrome: A narrative review and authors' clinical experience

Yung-Tsan Wu, King H.S. Lam, Chueh-Hung Wu, Ke-Vin Chang, Wei-Ting Wu, Tyng-Guey Wang, Wen-Shiang Chen, Chih-Peng Lin, Kenneth D. Reeves

Rehabilitation Practice and Science 2024;2024(2):1-25


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common peripheral entrapment neuropathy but current conservative treatments are unsatisfactory. Recently, clinical trials using ultrasound-guided regenerative injection with 5 % dextrose water or platelet-rich plasma have reported clinically and statistically significant benefits compared to current conservative treatments for the treatment of CTS. Regenerative injection for CTS is increasingly being utilized, proportional to the worldwide expansion of skills in the use of ultrasound guidance for precise injection and localization, and due to accumulating evidence that it enhances the success rate of conservative treatment, and reduces the rate of surgery. In this narrative review, our goals are to introduce ultrasound-guided regenerative injection and current injection methods, to discuss potential mechanisms, to describe results from recent clinical studies, and to provide perspectives from our clinical experience.

Keywords: Carpal tunnel syndrome, Ultrasound-guided, Regenerative injection, Dextrose, Platelet-rich plasma, Hydrodissection, Corticosteroid

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